Housing and Support

Rehab Outreach And Recovery (R.O.A.R.)

Rehab Outreach And Recovery (R.O.A.R.) helps restore a safe and healthy living environment for families living in the Gateway District. ROAR provides urgent home repairs for low-income, elderly, disabled, and or veterans homeowners who may have challenges completing vital home repairs due to age, disability, or income.

ROAR seeks to combat community deterioration by helping to rehabilitate substandard homes in blighted neighborhoods and guard them against future deterioration. ROAR addresses housing issues that make homes unsafe for residents who are elderly, handicapped, or disabled. Through this ministry, urgent home repairs and hurricane disaster relief repairs are provided by volunteer mission teams to make homes safe to live and eliminates the threat displacement from their homes.

While many of our PIM program participants are children and youth, the extensive poverty in the region goes beyond that as evidenced by the applicants to the Rehab Outreach And Recovery (ROAR) Housing Program supporting those families who are living in homes that are in desperate need of repair and have no alternatives. ROAR completed several home renovations last year, ensuring families were able to stay in their home safely. Hundreds of other families rely on resources and services offered through our PIM’s Resource and Referral (R&R) Center.

ROAR is an advocate for safe and healthy living environments for families. We work to ensure that families are not displaced due to hazardous living conditions. ROAR assists low income home owners with urgent repairs, eliminating health, safety, and environmental hazards for residents who are elderly, handicapped, or disabled. Through this ministry, we served several households in 2019.


At Partners In Ministry, we want our Mission Teams’ experience to encompass more than just time spent on the job site. R.O.A.R. Mission Team experiences include time at the job sites and in various activities such as preparing meals, cleaning up afterward, morning and evening devotionals, and community interaction. Mission Teams are encouraged to develop and nurture relationships with the community, the R.O.A.R. staff members, and community churches. Mission Teams are asked to worship with the staff members at least once during their experience, whenever possible.

Lodging and Accommodations

Typically, R.O.A.R. Mission Teams are housed at local churches with amenities for showers and meals. Although Mission Teams are expected to provide their own meals, local churches will have amenities for meal preparation. Showers are also located at the Partners In Ministry campus in East Laurinburg. ROAR teams should plan on bringing sleeping bags, blankets, air mattresses, pads, pillows, towels, toiletries, etc.


To reserve a date, there is a $400.00 non-refundable deposit for each team that is paid at the time of reservation. Fees for Mission Teams are $35 per person per working day, due one week prior to arrival. The R.O.A.R. Ministry relies heavily on the donations made by Mission Team groups to help buy the supplies, materials, tools, and offset the operating expenses that are needed to make homes safe, sanitary, and secure. Our home repair services are offered at no cost to the families who are selected, so fundraising is important in supporting our mission.