910-277-3355      12 Third St. East Laurinburg NC 28352


The Resource & Referral Center’s Food Pantry will not assemble inside the building until further notice.  Food is available for every person in need of hunger relief.  The Food Pantry operates every Friday 9:00 am – 11:00 am.

Community members will take the back way to PIM and drive in a line towards the red doors in the first building.  Staff members will bring food to each person’s car.

Partners In Ministry will always be available to our community distributing love, food, clothing, and resources.

For more information regarding our Resource  and Referral Center, please call our main line: 910-277-3355 or visit our website:  www.pim-nc.org.

 Our Food Pantry ensures the health, safety, and food security of our communities. PIM offers three types of food distributions, each requiring a completed application and the intake process is available on a walk-in basis.

The types of food distributions are:

 Food Pantry Distribution – There are no income requirements. Food boxes are available to any family in need of fresh, free food.

 The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) – Recipients must meet the income guidelines of the North Carolina poverty level and must be eligible to receive or already receive Food Stamps.

 Senior Commodity Box – Recipients must be 65 years or older, or receive a disability check; income must be verified.


The Resource and Referral Center’s Food Pantry provides food distribution to area churches. 

The churches pick up food and in turn distribute to their church community members.

For Food Pantry serving during the pandemic CLICK HERE.

For information on ‘Distribution’ totals CLICK HERE.

Palettes of boxes of food are delivered to Partners In Ministry.

Palettes are placed in the school cafeteria for sorting.

Palettes are sorted in sections. 

A church name is designated for each section.

Partners In Ministry (PIM) continues to serve the community by giving food boxes to churches so the churches can serve the community members.  COVID-19 and the ‘stay at home’ orders have placed limitations on some people whereby they cannot go to the grocery store.  Many churches are served through PIM’s Resource and Referral Center Food Pantry Food Distribution Ministry.  

Pictured above:  Designated palettes by church (left, second from left, second from right); church food boxes placed on a cart and delivered to church cars (first right).

Pictured below:  PIM staff place church boxes in vehicles.  Vehicles line up at the rear of the PIM building and receive boxes.

Food Pantry

The Food Pantry is operated by our volunteers and participants from our Youth Empowered to Succeed (YES) program.
Additionally, Partners In Ministry representatives are available to assist with applications for The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP). TEFAP is a federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans by providing them with emergency food assistance at no cost.
For more resources for senior food insecurity, visit Aging In Place.