2019 Community Impact
Partners In Ministry benefits the community through the many programs we oversee that are directly responsible for shaping the lives of individuals in the community.
Listed below are a few of the areas that were impacted by Partners In Ministry in 2019. (Click here for the complete 2019 IMPACT Report.)
Our food and clothing ministry total persons served were 8,338; total distributions served 12,821.
The Food Pantry distributed a total of 43,000 cases of nonperishable food and 70,000 Lbs. of perishable food. This does not include all other essential household distribution.
Food Pantry volunteers spent 322 hours helping those in need of hunger relief.
The R&R Center produced 10,594 Lbs. of produce from the community garden.
An average of 65 community members participated weekly in PIM’s Outreach Ministry.
The ROAR Housing Ministry completed 45 home renovations for seniors, disabled, veterans, and families. ROAR Total Expenditures of Home Repairs $659,186.00.
ROAR Volunteers: 108; ROAR Volunteer Hours: 4,424; Value of ROAR Volunteer Hours: $91,954; ROAR Mission Teams: 9
Elementary and middle school youth spend more than 65,418 hours on our campus throughout the year.
Over 300 students were enrolled in the SYSTEM After-school Academic Enrichment Program.
SYSTEM served all six (6) elementary (grades 3-5) and two (2) middle schools (grades 6-8) in the Scotland County School (SCS) system.
SYSTEM set goals to increase their students’ reading and math scores by 5 points or more. Throughout the 2019 academic year, over 62% of the participants gained 5 points or more in math and reading. Additionally, 71% of participants showed an increased on the post–assessments in STEM subjects.
SYSTEM showed growth in ten (10) Competency Areas.
SYSTEM summer camp, enrolled 110 students. Camp STEMulation operated from June 19, 2019 through July 28, 2019. Camp STEMulation III offered 5 weeks of learning and fun activities for the participants. Camp STEMulation III included a different theme each week.
Youth Empowered to Succeed (YES) served 73 participants (an increase of 13 from the previous year). These youth moved from work experience, internship, and OJT to unsubsidized employment.
YES enrolled 12 at-risk youth in the Juvenile Crime Prevention and Council who collectively spent 1,296 hours with their mentors.
YES youth spent 2 hours a week in the community garden learning to plant and harvest.
W.I.O.A. Community Service Hours: Scotland County participants served 2,031 hours; Richmond County participants served 3, 200 hours.
Through partnership with the United Healthcare, many participants were able to enroll in a healthcare plan and receive over 304 items in giveaways.
PIM partnered with Richmond Community College (RCC) to help participants in obtaining a GED/Adult Diploma and/or Class A Commercial Drivers License (CDL).
Partners In Ministry is thankful to our donors for their support in making this possible. We need your continued support as we are growing to serve more individuals – more children and adolescents, more families, and older adults. We are seeking to build a Community Education Center building across the grounds of our main campus that will include a gymnatorium, youth center, counseling suites, and an updated computer lab.