910-277-3355      12 Third St. East Laurinburg NC 28352

Bishop Leonard Fairley of the Kentucky Conference of The UMC led a Volunteer In Mission (VIM) team to disaster-hit Lumberton, NC, in late March 2017. The team of 85 volunteers served homeowners affected by Hurricane Matthew in October 2016. Bishop Fairley, a native of Laurinburg and one of the original PIM Board Members, worked closely with the North Carolina Conference Disaster Relief office to coordinate this VIM team to provide aid to a community he has served among in his years of ministry.

A special celebration was held at the end of the week to recognize Bishop Fairley’s birthday and his ministry over the years. Special words of appreciation were shared with gifts of recognition for his ministry. Congratulations Bishop Fairley! And may we meet many more servants such as these VIM members through your ministry!